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In the event of an emergency, the Coach should stop the class & calmly/quickly gather all of the participants. Have players put their equipment down, gather around you, and count the kids to make sure you are not missing anyone from your Roster. 



Quickly and carefully bring the players under the lunch tables if they are near by. If not, please have all players sit down on the ground in a ball, duck their heads, and cover their head with their hands. If necessary, have the class sing a song to distract them. You do not have to remain quiet during an earthquake. After the earthquake appears to be over, keep players in pace for several minutes to wait-out any potential after-shock.



Immediately instruct all players to drop the equipment. Quickly and carefully lead all kids in the opposite direction of the fire to an open area away from all trees/buildings. If necessary, have the class sing a song to distract them. You do not have to remain quiet during a fire. Call 911 and report the fire as soon as all kids are in a safe area. 



If you see someone on school campus with a gun or int he event of a possible shooting, immediately instruct all players to drop the equipment. Quickly, quietly, and carefully lead all kids to the School Office or nearest room where you can close/barricade the door to hide. Please try to remain calm and instruct kids to be as quiet as possible. 

  • If a child has gone to the bathroom, please bring the entire class to the bathroom and go in there to barricade together. 


Once you have the class safely gathered together, quietly call 911 to report the incident. Please also call the school office to inform them of what is going on. The school's phone number can be found either on Google or in WheniWork under Job Location. Please only make phone calls if it is safe, and text Laura/Rachel to try to get help.  Laura:  818.644.0257  ;  Rachel:  818.307.3558





  • Call 911 and report the incident is over

  • Call the School Office to notify them know the incident is over

  • Call Laura/Rachel to notify them of what is going on

  • Let all players call their parents to inform them they are okay.

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